One part of planning our successful future ministry is setting our annual budget. To do that we need your support through our annual stewardship campaign. During November we will be asking you to Invest In Our Future, to consider how you might contribute to the growth of our ministry through your tithes, talents, and time.
We have accomplished so much during these difficult days. Our tech team has created, almost from scratch, a livestreaming service that is uplifting and touching the lives not only of our family and friends, but of folks who have never stepped inside our doors (yet). We have rallied to the call to put in a new boiler after the old one finally failed. The parking lot has been touched up by a great team of volunteers who faithfully worked through the warm mornings of summer.
There is much we can accomplish in 2021. There are many people in our community, and around the world, who need to hear the good news of Jesus Christ. Your continued support is vital to our future success as an outpost of God’s Kingdom in Greenfield. As you prayerfully consider your pledge for 2021, take time to prayerfully ask yourself these questions:
What do I love about Memorial?
Why have I given in the past, and what is God asking me to give now?
What do I want to see Memorial accomplish in the future? How can I participate in our growth?
What can I do today to guarantee that Memorial brings Glory to God for future generations?
An Invest In Our Future pledge card is available at this link. We invite you to drop off your pledge at Memorial during our drive-thru Commitment Sunday celebration on November 22 from 11 – 12:30. Sadly, we will not be able to enjoy that delicious Meyer’s chicken, but there will still be a few surprises that you won't want to miss. 2021 giving envelopes will also be distributed at this time. If you are unable to join us, please fill out your pledge card and return it with your weekly or monthly contribution.